Daemon Adventures meets up with a couple overlanders at the PA Dirtriders Muddfest at Freedom Reading Outdoors. A divergence from the serene forest roads and dispersed campsites we enjoy so much, this was a dive into the mud, dust, and noise, along with plenty of scraped skid plates and rock rails. This would also be the most sketchy spot I’ve ever had the FJ in. 3 vehicles entered, only 1 remained.
Audiio.com – 7956969423, 4018878775, 2998033770, 1763465512, 4631829505, 4887937795, 6445356797, 6196060515, 4027602631, 6525028699, 3997189621, 8293679290
We love to take our FJ out to the trails and enjoy ourselves, but we always do so with respect for the trails and the grounds provided, following all local regulations as we understand them. This includes staying on trails designated as state roads or otherwise marked as permitted. We believe if you treat the environment with respect, it will remain enjoyable for everyone for years to come.
#daemonadventures #toyota #fjcruiser #offroading #padirtriders #muddfest #muddfest2023 #FRO #FreedomReadingOutdoors #overlanding #camping #breakdown #4runner #ranger