Continuing our time in West Virginia, Daemon Adventures explores Canyon Rim road and it’s various water features, tackling one major washout, and making our way to the Olsen Observation tower for some amazing views of the surrounding forest. – Lance Conrad, High Noon, License #: 5953305868 – Jones Island, Nowhere Town, License #: 2429587195 – Sam Pinkerton, NYCRIP, License #: 4425501707 – Evert Z, Outlaws Of The Old West, License #: 2719898318 – As Tall As Pine, Building a Treehouse, License #: 6721738216 – Harbor & Home, Gone, License #: 9061220822

We love to take our FJ out to the trails and enjoy ourselves, but we always do so with respect for the trails and the grounds provided, following all local regulations as we understand them. This includes staying on trails designated as state roads or otherwise marked as permitted. We believe if you treat the environment with respect, it will remain enjoyable for everyone for years to come.

#daemonadventures #familyadventures #toyota #fjcruiser #offroading #treadlightly #canyonrim #canaanvalley #blackwater #westvirginia #monongahelanationalforest #monogahela #bigrunfalls #waterfalls #washout